Hello, my name is Mary (Waggoner) Ruehle and welcome to my creative space. I hope you enjoy my images and appreciate the love, patience, challenge and inspiration that went into making them.  I'm a native Texan currently living in Plano.  If you're wondering about my website name, it's created from my first and middle name combined.  When in trouble for jumping on my grandmothers bed, she would shout MaryKell, long A and no pronunciation of the Y in my grandmother's Texas drawl.
My photography interest began a few years ago during a high school reunion when a friend asked if I was still into photography.  My answer was no since photography wasn't encouraged as a career, thus began the late life journey with a camera.  Thank you to my friend for the question, fond memory and new hobby.  The thanks don't end here, so a huge shout out to all my fellow photographers at the Plano Photography Club who have so patiently helped me along this path.
© Copyright Mary Ruehle. All rights reserved.